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1955 Pre-Production Mock-up: Lionel #6464-150 Missouri Pacific Box Car with Red Seal

This Item has been sold. This sale has been certified as Final by the Attorney.

This is the #6464-150 Missouri Pacific Pre-Production Mock-up that Lionel made circa 1955. The 6464-150 was first shown in the 1954 Consumer Catalog with the Red-Seal and Striped Doors; it was again featured on page 34 in the 1955 Catalog but with solid-yellow doors. We believe this was the mock-up used for the 1955 Catalog artwork. This example has a Red "buzz-saw" decal (as shown in the catalog) that looks like it has been there since 1955. This car is on a white body-mold with grooves and has yellow-painted doors also on a white mold; additional details are a large "Eagle" and "XME" on the right with "NEW 3-54" to the left. Our Opinion is that it is generally in Excellent Condition, was not handled nicely by Lionel. No Box. All Original in our Opinion as stated herein. Please add $20.00 for US-48 Shipping and Insurance.

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Note: Private Internet Auctions are conducted by Drew J. Bauer, Esquire as attorney in fact. Drew is a member of the Bars of the Courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.


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