AmbroseBauer Trains
The Nation's Foremost Marketplace of Toy Trains & Toy Train Auctions
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Absentee Bidders:
AuctionsBy™ Live:

Welcome to AmbroseBauer Trains' exclusive Live Auction Website, AuctionsBy™. These special pages will allow you to bid on an Auction Lot at any time until it is sold on the Auction Floor. AuctionsBy™ is a seamless Bidding System that does not care whether you are leaving an Absentee Bid, a Snipe Bid, a Left Bid or a Live Bid. You may place a Bid at any Venue or at any Time using the same four digit Bidder Number that you received from AmbroseBauer Trains once you registered and executed the Bidding Agreement.


Absentee Bidding:

Even through there is no difference between Absentee and Live Bidding, there are different pages you can use to place a bid. We believe the principal page one would use to place an Absentee Bid before the date of the Private Auction is the Lot Detailed Page. You can get to this Page by clicking the date of the Private Auction in which you are interested (always located at the top of the menus that are on the left side of most pages of the AmbroseBauer Trains' WebSite). This will take you to our AuctionList Page. If you scroll down the Auction List Page you will see a List of all Lots. Double clicking on any of the Lot Numbers will take you to the Lot Detailed Page for that particular Lot. This page allows you to place an Absentee Bid by placing your Bidder Number, Password and Bid Amount in the designated boxes and then pressing the MAKE YOUR BID Button.

Please note that we proceed with several error checks on any Proposed Bid to make sure your Bidder Account is currently active, that your Password is correct for your Bidder Number, that your Proposed Bid is of a proper Bidder Increment (if it is not, we will automatically correct it to a proper increment and ask you if you want to make this Proper Bid), that the Proposed Bid is greater than any prior Bids that you may have placed on this Lot, and that the Proposed Bid is currently greater than the Current High Price. This Lot Detailed Page will also be available on the day of the Auction for you to place any Bids, and as such, it will show the FAIR WARNING and SOLD Banners that are linked to the AuctionsBy™ Live Page. However, this Lot Detailed Page does not automatically refresh and you need to manually refresh this Page by using your Browser's Refresh Button to see Current Bids and the Current Status of this Lot.

If your Absentee Bid makes you the High Bidder, you will see a small pop up box telling you this, and when you click out of this box, the Lot Detailed Page will refresh and show the new Current High Bid and your Bidder Number. If your Absentee Bid does not make you the High Bidder, you will see a small pop up box telling you this, and when you click out of this box, the Lot Detailed Page will refresh and show the new Current High Bid and Current High Bidder Number. Please note that if you are subsequently out-bid on a Lot and are no longer the Current High Bidder, you will not at this time receive an e-mail noting this status. An Absentee Bidder may not remove or cancel an Absentee Bid once it is placed.

Snipe Bidding:

For our Bidders who like to bid on E-Bay Auctions at the last possible second, we have created our own Snipe Bidding for our AuctionsBy™ Live Auctions. On the bottom of each Lot Detailed Page is a Snipe Bidder Box, almost identical to the Absentee Box on the top of the Page. By placing your Bidder Number, Password and Snipe Bid into the Designated Boxes, and then pressing the SNIPE ME Button, your Snipe Bid will be entered into a separate database that will only be accessed at the time that particular Lot is being sold on the Auction Floor. Your Snipe Bid, even if you are the true High Bidder, will not show up on the Absentee Bid Box and will not change what is perceived to be the Current High Bid. We do continue the many error checks on any proposed Snipe Bid to make sure your Bidder Account is currently active, that your Password is correct for your Bidder Number, and that your Proposed Bid is of a proper Bidder Increment (if it is not, we will automatically correct it to a proper increment and ask you if you want to make this proper bid). If your Snipe Bid is the highest Snipe Bid for that particular Lot, you will see a small pop up box telling you this, and when you click out of this box, you will return to the Lot Detailed Page. If your Snipe Bid is not highest Snipe Bid for that particular Lot, you will see a small pop up box telling you this, and when you click out of this box, you will return to the Lot Detailed Page. In either case, the Lot Detailed Page would not be changed as to the Current Absentee Bid High Amount since the two highest Snipe Bids will not be entered until the Lot is actually being auctioned on the Floor. Please note that if you are subsequently out-bid on a particular Lot and are no longer the highest Snipe Bid, you will not at this time receive an e-mail noting this status. You may not place a Snipe Bid on any other Page other than the Lot Detailed Page, and if you mistakely enter your Snipe Bid into the regular Absentee Bid Box, there is nothing that can be done and your Snipe Bid will be considered to be a regular Absentee Bid. A Snipe Bidder may not remove or cancel a Snipe Bid once it is placed.

Note: Private Internet Auctions are conducted by Drew J. Bauer, Esquire as attorney in fact. Drew is a member of the Bars of the Courts of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit.


The contents of this entire Website, all lists, photos and materials within, the layout of which and all internal links, are Copyright 2004, 2023 by AmbroseBauer Trains. All Rights Reserved. The contents of this entire Website, and all lists, photos and materials within this Website, may not be copied or distributed, in whole or in part, or in any manner, without the prior written approval of the copyright holder. The phrases "We Wrote the Book on Toy Trains," "We Wrote the Books on Toy Trains," "By Collectors, For Collectors," "The SMART way to Buy or Sell Toy Trains" and "The Nation's Foremost Marketplace of Toy Trains & Toy Train Auctions" are trademarked 2004, 2023 and owned by AmbroseBauer Trains. All Rights Reserved. The phrase "The World's Largest List of Lionel Individual Boxes, Set Boxes and Instruction Sheets" is trademarked 1999, 2012 and owned by Drew J. Bauer. All Rights Reserved. AuctionsBy™ is a registered trademark of AmbroseBauer Trains. All Rights Reserved.

This Website, its contents, and the AuctionsBy™ Bidding System are protected by the Copyright, Trademark and Patent Laws of the United States of America. All Rights Reserved. The AuctionsBy™ Bidding System, the Snipe Bidding System, the Absentee Bidding System, the Take Me Live Bidding System, the Consigner's Sign In Page, the Bidder's Sign In Page, the Bidder's Searching Bids Page, the AuctionList Page, the LotDetailed Page, the Picture Catalog, the AuctionsBy™ Control Pages, and the interactive and integral Bidding Number System of the Absentee, Snipe and Live Bids, are protected by the Patent Laws of the United States of America. U.S. Patents Pending.


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